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Happy Fourth of July!


The West Team
Dev Team
Independence Day


Those who expect to reap the blessings of freedom, must, like men, undergo the fatigue of supporting it. This Independence Day, your country needs you for something a little more tame – to construct the greatest celebration ever! Buy some food, flags, fireworks and decorations then lay them out for the free citizens and you will be duly rewarded for your efforts...

The event has started today and will run for 20 days. There are four categories available to construct, one free and the others costing 25, 150 and 800 nuggets respectively. Each starts at 4 hours to construct, increasing at higher levels, but you have the option of reducing all timers by two hours using 8 nuggets or bonds. Please note you must collect your reward manually at the end of construction!

In addition to rewards available directly, you'll also receive gifts for reaching certain building levels, up to fifty. The levels received from each category are one, two, three and four respectively. Collect all pieces of the star-spangled Independence Clothing Set as you progress (see below).

The items will be split into four tiers, corresponding to each category: common, uncommon, rare and very rare. It is possible to find rarer items when constructing a cheaper category. For example, if you start working on the food at a cost of 25 nuggets, you can find uncommon, rare and very rare items but not common items.

At the end of the event, the player with the highest construction rank will receive the special Fire and Ice Set, created specifically for this event. You can track your current rank at the bottom of the window, as well as seeing the building level of the person behind you and ahead of you.

--> Discussion Thread
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The West Team
Dev Team
Please be aware that once the event finishes on Sunday, all ongoing construction will be cancelled – you should not allow any to continue past midnight. You should plan so that all rewards are collected before the event concludes. Thanks for your testing :)