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Easter Event 2015

Deleted User - 40


Do you remember the four bandits raiding our towns last year? We spend so much effort on dueling and repelling them but it seems like they are back!
Stand together and help another time to duel and defeat the 4 bandits to save our Easter Celebrations.
I've heard they are carrying some valuable items with them that you can loot when winning the duel. They seem to be easy to bribe as well...

More information soon!

Deleted User - 40

There are four bandits available to duel again, one free and the others costing 25, 150 and 800 nuggets respectively to challenge. Each can be duelled once every eight hours, but you have the option to reduce the cooldown timers by using 25 nuggets or 500 Easter eggs (see below for more about eggs).

The bandits are fairly weak, however if you do lose, you can challenge them again for free after your 8 hour cooldown period, or alternatively you can bribe the bandit and receive your reward immediately. You also do not lose any health points at the end of the Showdown, so don't worry about taking damage or passing out.

Four new sets have been created for the Showdown, Three of which are prizes for winning dues in the Showdown, and one is a reward for beating the bandits a certain amount of times.

Easter eggs are similar to the Hearts that you collected at Valentine's day. Collect them by doing activities like jobs, duels, quests and receiving them from friends, and use them to reduce the cooldown time for Showdown duels. (Please note that fort construction still does not give eggs yet, however we intend to correct this before the event leaves beta.)

At the end of the event, the player with the longest winning streak against the bandits will receive the special Steam and Punk set. You can track your current rank at the bottom of the window, as well as seeing the level of the person in first place. If you lose a duel it is possible to save your winning streak by bribing the bandit, otherwise your current streak will be reset to zero. The Showdown will end on the 20th of April at 23:59.