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help with the task


Please advice::eek:
I can not finish the series up to a new task could give me dobrodružství.Nyní Little Eagle jump was a task which I submit to you there dřevo.Bohužel nezobrazuje.Než task when I became a member of the city so I took him in, but I could still do the wood. Now I have wood, but the task is already nezobrazuje.Nevíte me now what should I do? The client I was already several times in other sectors, but the task of nowhere.
Could you please advise me? Thanks


if i am reading you correctly your stuck on the greenhorn quest sequence because you cannot complete the little eagle quests

as has already been said in many other posts this quest sequence has been remove until the tutorial is completed when it will be brought back in
this quest sequence will eventually replace the introduction quest sequence



Beruska using google translator :DD
She can't speak English, she has czech words in the text
Beruska have many wrongs in text ...
She talking about quest the first advanture (I think :D), She can't do quest,where the little eagle send her for the wood. She talking, she can't find it..
I think this quest ISN'T in saloon, but on the map. Logo is the ,,billboard,, ,,The west,, .
Btw: Sorry for my english :D


yes NoSkillv1 the quest first adventure little eagle quest on map is part of the beginner greenhorn quest for greenhorn clothes no-one can do this quest yet