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Contest Sheriff's Eye for Detail

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The West Team
Howdy Cowgirls & Cowboys,

we have prepared a new contest for you. :)

It's again time to put your keen eyes to the test! :blink:

We present you with two seemingly identical scenes from our game.
But hold your horses! Don't be fooled by their initial resemblance.
Somewhere amidst the tumbleweeds and weathered structures, sneaky differences have taken root.

It's up to you to spot those 10 differences and become the ultimate sharpshooter!


Spot the 10 differences between the two images below:



Accepted replies: a precise description or a screenshot with the area surrounded.

Reply to this thread by September 8th, at 11:59 p.m. (CEST) for the chances to win:


1st - 10th place: Pretzels container
"Generates 1250 pretzels for the Oktoberfest event which can be collected once every 11,5 hours."

All participants (even if you got it wrong):

Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to message @Loki or @ChickenMcGuy.
Do not forget to share your feedback!

Yours sincerely,
Community Manager


Private First Class
1- The word Fort missing from town Hall
2- Flag pole and flag missing
3- 2nd teepee outside the East wall missing
4- Adventure tower missing
5- box missing in front of wagon inside the SW wall
6- Attack soldier icon backwards
7- Supply items under the supply water tower
8- The "O" in Awesomia is capitalized
9- Refresh window and close all open windows
10-NW fort wall near the area of the adventure tower has skewed logs. Not sure if it's a glitch. Also not sure if the flag pole and flag are 2 different differences... If so, the flag missing would be here..


Private First Class
New answers. disregard the above answers...

1- The word Fort missing from town Hall
2- Flag pole and flag missing
3- 2nd teepee outside the East wall missing
4- Adventure tower missing
5- box missing in front of wagon inside the South wall
6- Attack soldier icon backwards
7- Supply items under the supply water tower missing
8- The "O" in Awesomia is capitalized
9- Refresh window and close all open windows switched
10-metal brackets on SE wall missing.


I send you my image with the marked details.
Thx very much.
Roccola, Alamogordo


  • ContestSep24.png
    549.2 KB · Views: 3

0 bom

1. Adventurer's tower is missing
2. The flag is missing
3. Headquarters without ' fort'
4. Fort battle To arms is turned
5. Protective barrier
6. Missing packages at the bottom of the Resource stock
7. Wagon in front of heardquarters without box
8. A tent is missing next to the fort
9. The name of the fort is wrong
10. The update button is switched to closing all.
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