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FAQ InnoGames Q&A

Uchiha Madara

Master Sergeant
I want to start this topic with the hope that we will get noticed and actually get what we are asking for so long, Q&A. Let's everyone ask questions, serious game questions with the never ending hope of getting answers.

Please @Loki forward this to the right person , we as a community want a Q&A with someone higher up in charge, every game has different Q&A with Devs and with the actual game manufacturers. I think it's time to get communicative with them and since there will be a meeting, this can also be discussed.

I will start.

Question: What are your plans for character class changes/updates/tweaks.

Uchiha Madara

Master Sergeant
I don't understand how some people will complain for every single update and event but when it comes to questions will not add any question. Whatever I care , so I will continue with questions:

Question: What are your plans for Adventures?

Question: Will Veteran SHOP get an update any time soon?

Question: Do you plan on doing a whole re-work of the Travelling Circus?

Emma Swan

Staff Sergeant
I don't understand how some people will complain for every single update and event but when it comes to questions will not add any question. Whatever I care , so I will continue with questions:

Question: What are your plans for Adventures?

Question: Will Veteran SHOP get an update any time soon?

Question: Do you plan on doing a whole re-work of the Travelling Circus?
Yeah, I can ask like 15 good questions, but unless they answer my 1st one, I dont ask anymore. Meaning there wont be any questions from me anymore because they are not going to answer. I am gonna wait for next event, if they will ruin it as well, then I will stop hoping here on this forum.

Uchiha Madara

Master Sergeant
Yeah, I can ask like 15 good questions, but unless they answer my 1st one, I dont ask anymore. Meaning there wont be any questions from me anymore because they are not going to answer. I am gonna wait for next event, if they will ruin it as well, then I will stop hoping here on this forum.
It's better to have a lot of questions rather than just a few. Even if it wont get answered we still need to ask it.


Since this is a test server when will you add a 100% exp/luck/money permanent buff ? or maybe global cuz with this exp we're getting nowhere... you can't play church for 5-7 years to get to 250 and then you update to 350 and exp will raise with 10% so you will be able to get about 300 on 15 sec but you'll need about 40kk exp to lvlup :)))... This being said raise exp or InnoGames can suck it with theyr sets and items cuz they are usless unless you get to 250 to enjoy the game.

Deleted User - 113843

Since this is a test server when will you add a 100% exp/luck/money permanent buff ? or maybe global cuz with this exp we're getting nowhere... you can't play church for 5-7 years to get to 250 and then you update to 350 and exp will raise with 10% so you will be able to get about 300 on 15 sec but you'll need about 40kk exp to lvlup :)))... This being said raise exp or InnoGames can suck it with theyr sets and items cuz they are usless unless you get to 250 to enjoy the game.
I mean with all the negative things of the game Level 250 limit (and how hard it is to reach it) is the biggest/main reason why I'm no longer playing and don't even consider playing.

Uchiha Madara

Master Sergeant
Its really nice to see how they answered to these questions. Surprise surprise :)
It's also really nice to see only 3 people asking questions. If we had a chance of getting answers now we won't be able to for sure. InnoGames will take this as a joke because of the amount of people that participate in this Q&A .

I have lost all hopes.

Emma Swan

Staff Sergeant
Well, we have been asking the same questions all the time so I understant why they are tired. But, anyway, whenever somebody asked some really good Q, there are few players that sound like programmed and typing sentences that sounds like InnoGames source, or they laugh at you and in the end couple of comments later they write exactly the same what you did. I think some are coming here to collect like so that they can feel special or whatever.

And also, we dont stand together. Whenever there is a topic about feedback, which will never be considered at all anyway, players can hold it for 15 minutes and afterwards there comes hate, humiliation, arrogance etc.

I think this game is ready for doom and thats why I dont care anymore as well. This event was the last one for me to have a hope. Hope is dead, so is this game. No brainers are leading this game where it is going at present.

I will never stop laughing at 3 players fighting with me to nerf Leavenworth set because its TOO OP - typical basic words, OP. 2 weeks later 2 of them came, crying to buff Leavenworth because its weak. And yet, its still weak set. Then we moved to other sets, which were also op, nerf them, etc and all over again.

Also, that feeling, when you are fighting for better sets, bonuses, and somebody comes and says no its good as it is, is priceles... We care too much, thats our problem. And our expectations are based on our logical thinking, also wrong. I reacted as i reacted but I have always considered all types of worlds, from most active to almost dead, if not dead. But some players are forgetting that there are other differens servers then their. Unless they wont understand that and start thinking outside bubble, we will never seen move into right direction at all.


Private First Class
It's also really nice to see only 3 people asking questions. If we had a chance of getting answers now we won't be able to for sure. InnoGames will take this as a joke because of the amount of people that participate in this Q&A .

I have lost all hopes.
I will do an attempt at taking this as seriously as possible.

The-West lacks players. So my questions are: What are you (Innogames) gonna do about it? Are you going to release a mobile version so all aspects of the game are enjoyably playable from mobile devices? Are you going to do any advertising of the game to get new players? Are you going to shut down every world except a few to force the small remaining player base to be more concentrated? Are you going to do a big update/rework in order for the game to "require" less players? (Our town is open to everyone, we see a lot of levels 10 joining the town and disappearing forever shortly after they hit level 15) New players have to make a choice between new dead worlds and old active worlds, are you going to create new items with insane speed and experience bonus for low level players in old worlds for them to be able to quick start? Or are you gonna do none of the above?


Private First Class
Have in mind to reconsider aventurer class? Change that sleeping in hotel for free, which is obsolete and completly useless with something else and pretty please remove that Ghosting bonus at fort. This perk is good only If I play alone. Not only me hating that bonus... my teammates duellers (damagers) behind me that I should protect hate that bonus even more :P Really ... I'll stop buying VIP only to play without that bonus.