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Day of the Dead 2024 - Feedback

subbotin 2

In spoiler you write that SET 2 clothes give 60% exp, luck and in announcment Reaper's set ( I think this is SET 2) give 70% exp, luck



Private First Class

Looks nice. But did you ever see the Grim Reaper without its Scythe?


Master Sergeant
The hoods from the Reaper's set look like those from Assassin's Okay, almost the whole set looks like that :P


The West Team
@Loki Can you provide us some spoiler on the rarity of belt and shoes? Will each of them be uncommon or rare?
Belts and shoes are in Stage 3.

I believe they are in 3rd round. 4th is mount and or pants or shirt. or both? 1st buff, 2nd hat, necklace, 3rd shoes, belts, pants, 4th mount, shirt. 5th weapons and chest?
4th is for mounts and pants. Shirts are 3rd. Rest are spot on.