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Changelog 2.232 - Discussion

roland jacobs

Private First Class
Maybe they only come every other day. They didn't come to me either
It's every day, have plenty of those products. It was easy bc of drop rate, 4 bonds + 1 daily bond.

Reverse the "every 24hrs", it's ridiculous. All of the other quests show up at 00:00. New day, new quests available. If there's an issue with those quests, the accepted quest from yesterday shouldn't be available to complete, and it needs to be cancelled before accepting today's daily quest. That's an improvement and a bug fix. The 'every 24hrs' is annoying.

When there aren't big or more impactful features being added/revamped (char classes) the 'small' things like this make players annoyed.

Still stuck on lvl 850 crafting, make a new recipe for each class once a quarter, or once every 6 months. But no, make a change that break player's routines.

Uchiha Madara

Master Sergeant
what was the problem with how it worked?
please give me an answer that makes sense?
nothing , they just like to make our lives harder , everytime a player is happy in this game , the company decides to change that one thing that makes the player happy , it's the most weird game company that I have ever came across with.

For InnoGames , if a player is happy , immediately end his happiness by removing cool features and making the game worse than it is.

If a player is not happy , don't do anything , don't hear the player's feedback and just ignore them and continue producing USELESS THINGS



Master Sergeant
There is an error in the open quest assignments! These 3 repeatable quests are no longer available on Beta, only in my world!

Apprentice repeatable quests
Journeyman repeatable quests
Master repeatable quests

They are no longer available! Does it have something to do with the new update? That these three quests no longer appear?