In the following print its a small sample of a nightly basis on the fort battles.
You have the following levels by order of the image:
158 (GOOD SET)
161 (GOOD SET)
151 (GOOD SET)
What I said and I will paraphrase so you can understand better: level matters but lower level players can still keep up with the higher levels, but less consistently. Which is completely normal to happen in any game, scenario or whatever. A better player/person/whatever will always perform better more consistently than the average joe, but that doesn't mean the average joe doesn't perform from time to time till he gets better. But there is a reason he is an average joe -> lack of hours gameplay/lack of effort/skill gap/less money to invest/less time to invest, it is what it is.
The average damage per hit is this every night like this (not the same players obviously). What I said stands by proving with numbers.
180-190 can compete with 210-220 levels on any given night, are the going to win more than lose? Of course not, will they win sometimes? Of course they will. I have lost duels to lvl 140 players by misplaying sets and not aiming properly on his dodge places, I have done way less ff damange than adventures at the same level as I am with same build/set, but will it happen on a regular basis? Of course not.
Again what I said and I will quote: "I am currently at 183 and when in fortbattles vs 200+ players with far better items and sets than I do I can often keep up with them in damage"
That is a fact. volkom1 is one of the best PT server players and has the best possible sets every battle, by a large margin, is he more consistent than I am? Yes, can I keep up with him or even beat him sometimes with 30 levels difference and huge set gap? Yes.
I think this summarizes the game, want to be more consistent on bigger damage and best results? Stop crying and level up. Level is only an issue if you are AFK and dont farm any exp at all, eventually you will get more ats/habs and per level on your sets, till them work hard for it because the other players did it aswell.